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Child Support & Spousal Support in Pennsylvania

Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C. April 29, 2020

Support, in a legal sense, refers to an amount of money paid for the separate maintenance of a child or spouse of the paying party. It can take different forms and can be arranged in private or through court intervention. If you find yourself facing a need for legal financial support, you should consult with legal counsel at Allegheny Attorneys to determine to what support you may be entitled, how to get it, and the financial ramifications that may come with it. Call today at (412) 426-3321.

Spousal Support

Spousal support is money paid for the separate maintenance of a spouse. In Pennsylvania, spouses have a legal obligation to provide for each other’s financial needs. When spouses separate, that obligation does not cease. Spousal support may be sought and ordered by a court throughout the separation. What’s more, this can occur at any time during the course of a marriage, even when no divorce proceedings have been or will be initiated.

Parties that seek spousal support can be denied if they do not proceed carefully. For example, in order to obtain spousal support, the party seeking it cannot be guilty of conduct that would be a valid ground for divorce. These accusations often arise, and, therefore, any party contemplating seeking spousal support should seek out legal counsel prior to initiating any court proceedings.

Child Support

Child support refers to money paid for the maintenance of a child. Child support in Pennsylvania is governed by statutory guidelines that dictate a financial support amount, based on the parents’ combined net monthly income and proportions of custody. Whereas a custodial parent can satisfy this obligation by directly paying for the child’s food, shelter, and other needs, a noncustodial parent must make monetary payments to satisfy their obligation. The obligation for child support terminates upon the emancipation of the child, typically meaning the later of when the child turns 18 or graduates from high school.

Sadly, parents often fail to fulfill their legal obligations to support their children. If your child is not receiving the support to which he or she is entitled, Allegheny Attorneys can help by obtaining, enforcing, or modifying child support for your child.

In other situations, a child support obligation may be unduly burdensome on a parent due to a change in your economic circumstances or other reasons. In this situation, you will need an aggressive attorney to get you into court and obtain the relief you need.

If you are in need of legal counsel for the child or spousal support, take action now by contacting Allegheny Attorneys today at (412) 426-3321 for your free ½ hour phone consultation.