5 Reasons to Consult With an Attorney When Establishing a Business
This probably won’t come as a surprise to a lot of people, but many business owners don’t want to consult an attorney unless they absolutely have to. Attorneys charge for their services, so many people would rather handle the legal issues involved with establishing a business on their own. While a business owner may not need an attorney for things like registering a business name or creating a business plan, there are still some scenarios that call for a business attorney’s expertise.
If you’re an entrepreneur who is trying to establish a business, here are just a few reasons why you would consult an attorney.
Covering Your Bases
You may not need to speak to an attorney to develop a business plan, but it might be in your best interest anyway if you want to cover all of your bases. An attorney can help you determine what kinds of licenses you need or whether you could encounter any legal issues during the operation of your new business. This may be especially useful if you’ve never owned or operated a business before.
Filing for a Patent
Depending on what kind of business you may be operating, you may need to file a patent for a product you are selling. Filing for a patent is expensive, and it can take years before a patent is approved. If you think you may need a patent for a product, take the time to speak with a patent attorney first. It is possible that you will need a patent for your product or service, but you can save a lot of time and money if it turns out that you can do without one.
Buying and Selling a Business
Buying or selling a business can be tricky; it’s not always a matter signing everything over to someone new and calling it a day. You may need help negotiating a sales agreement and to make sure that any deal you make is in your best interest. An attorney can definitely help with that, so don’t be afraid to contact one in this scenario.
Even if you haven’t been in business for long, you may have to deal with a lawsuit from an employee or even a client. Litigation is a huge headache, one that can destroy a startup business before it even has a chance to be established. If you think you’re going to be in any way affected by a lawsuit, consult an attorney to learn about your legal options before things get out of hand.
Special Allocations
If you or your business partners want to make any special allocations of profits and losses during your business’s operation, you should definitely take the time to consult an attorney to make sure that everything is done properly. This is the kind of thing that can completely destroy a person’s business career if it is mishandled, so hire an attorney and make sure everything is legal and in your business’s best interests.
If you’re going to set up a new business, don’t hesitate to consult the business law attorneys of Allegheny Attorneys at Law. With years of experience handling business law in Pittsburgh and throughout Allegheny County, the lawyers at AAAL have helped several businesses from their original conception to debt collection and litigation. Let our Pittsburgh business lawyers help maximize your business’s potential and contact Allegheny Attorneys today!