Knowing Your Rights in Divorce
Going through a divorce may be one of the most stressful and emotional experiences of your life. Understandably, you might feel inclined to just finalize the whole thing as soon as possible and move on. However, letting your emotions rule the day means that you might be turning a blind eye to your rights. An experienced Pittsburgh divorce attorney can help you through this difficult time, ensuring your legal rights are respected. Here are some tips to make the divorce process a little easier.
Learn about Pennsylvania Divorce Laws
Every state is different when it comes to division of property and child custody, so the first thing you should do is to learn about the divorce laws in Pennsylvania. The best way to do that? Rely on the expertise of Allegheny Attorneys at Law who are well versed in this area and can explain the law in a way that is easy to understand, without a lot of legalese.
Provide Your Attorney with All Relevant Information
Do you have a pension or 401(k)? Properties? A business? A knowledgeable divorce attorney will discuss all of the relevant financial aspects of your divorce with you. Being prepared with a list of all of your assets and debts can greatly help your attorney come to a complete understanding of your particular financial situation and advise you as to the best course of action.
Heed All Court Orders
Listen to what the court says. It’s that simple. This includes any temporary or interim orders. Disobeying a court order is never a good idea; instead, let your attorney handle all communications with the courts.
Protection from Abuse
You have a right not to be threatened or harmed by your spouse. If your spouse is threatening to harm you, or you are in reasonable fear of bodily harm, OR your spouse has physically assaulted you, you should file a petition for Protection from Abuse (PFA). Domestic violence is extremely serious. The attorneys at Allegheny Attorneys at Law are experienced in PFA cases and can help to protect you.
Alternatively, many individuals have been falsely accused by their spouse under the PFA Act, in an attempt to gain an advantage in divorce or custody proceedings. If you have been falsely accused, contact Allegheny Attorneys at Law as soon as possible so that you can have representation at the PFA hearing.
Get in Touch
If you’re unsure about what to expect heading into your divorce, contact the experienced divorce attorneys of Allegheny Attorneys at Law. We will guide you through the divorce process and make sure that your rights are safeguarded.