Evicting a Tenant in Pittsburgh, PA
There are many reasons a landlord may want to evict a tenant, from failure to pay rent to failure to reform behavior after several warnings. Whatever the reason, there are clear cut steps a landlord must take to legally get a tenant to hit the road. To assist with this process, it’s wise to hire an attorney who is well-versed in Pittsburgh Pa. landlord tenant law. Let’s explore landlord rights in Pittsburgh Pa. with the following steps.
Written Termination
The very first step is to provide written proof of tenancy termination. This written notice should clearly outline the reasons the tenant is being evicted, along with a date in which the tenant must comply with your demands or move out. Each state is different in terms of termination statutes so be sure to consult with your local office. Be specific with your grievance and ensure you are within the law to evict. These documents will be looked at with a fine tooth comb if and when the case makes it to court.
Know Your Rights
Before you evict a tenant, make sure you know all about the Landlord and Tenant Act, which goes through the entire process of tenant eviction to ensure all legalities are met. Skipping a step could prove disastrous in court later, so make sure you’re familiar with all areas of the law, so the judge rules in your favor. This is where the next step comes in.
File a Lawsuit
When your notices go unheeded, it may be time to hire a Pittsburgh landlord-tenant attorney to help you file a lawsuit against the tenant in question. Your lawyer can help you jump start the lawsuit once the required waiting period is over. This usually involves filing at the local magistrate, where you’ll have to provide the fee required for filing. Once all the paperwork is signed and organized, you’ll receive a hearing date. You don’t have to notify the tenant; the court will do that for you. In fact, it’s best if you have no further contact directly with the tenant from now on. Let your lawyer handle the details going forward.
Prepare for Court Case
Preparation for the eviction hearing typically involves making sure you have all the correct documents, from lease agreements and written eviction notices to proof of missing payments and records of communication. Both tenant and landlord will get to tell their side of the matter to the judge. If the judge rules in your favor, you will receive directions on how to evict the tenant.
The tenant will then have a predetermined time to leave your property. This can be a matter of hours or days, but depends on your state. Once the tenant leaves, inspect the property and take photos in case of damage. Having an experienced lawyer on your side is the best idea in any tenant eviction case to ensure the law is followed.
If you are a landlord in the Pittsburgh area who is currently facing a dispute with an unruly tenant, make sure you know how to protect your property and your rights by reaching out to a Pittsburgh Landlord Tenant Attorney at Allegheny Attorneys at Law. An experienced Pittsburgh attorney will represent you in your eviction case, helping to offer legal guidance and assistance as needed to protect your property. Make sure you have an experienced, winning team on your side by contacting Pittsburgh Landlord Tenant Attorney at AAAL today!