Real Estate Attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Whether you’re buying or selling a home, the process can seem overwhelming if you are not familiar with real estate law. Real estate transactions involve substantial risks due to the amount of money at stake. That is why you may need the guidance and assistance of a real estate transactions attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to protect your best interests during every stage of your transaction.  

As a real estate transaction attorney at Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C., I help clients ensure that their transactions go smoothly and prevent legal issues down the line. From my office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I serve clients throughout the state, including Penn Hills, Aspinwall, Ross Township, Shaler Township, Indiana Township, Oakmont Borough, Fox Chapel, and O’Hara Township.  

Your Partner in Real Estate Legal Matters

At our firm, we believe that every individual deserves personalized attention and tailored solutions to their legal concerns. By leveraging our experience and in-depth knowledge of real estate law, we guide you through the intricacies of the legal system, offering clarity and support every step of the way.

Whether you are a landlord facing eviction proceedings or a tenant seeking fair treatment, we are here to fight for your rights and represent your best interests.

With a focus on proactive legal strategies and an understanding of real estate law, we aim to help you navigate real estate challenges and work towards favorable outcomes. From property transactions to resolving disputes, we're committed to providing comprehensive legal services that address your needs and protect your investments.

If you are seeking reliable legal counsel to handle your real estate matters, Attorney Taiani is here to assist you. Schedule a free consultation today to explore how we can help you achieve your real estate goals with confidence and peace of mind.

Involved in a Real Estate Transaction? 

Contact Me

Real Estate Transactions  

Buying and selling property are the most common types of real estate transactions. According to the National Association of Realtors, people sold 5.64 million existing homes throughout the United States in 2020.  

A real estate transaction occurs when a seller offers a property for sale and a buyer agrees to buy the property. Unfortunately, disputes may arise between the seller and buyer during the transaction. Common types of real estate transaction disputes are: 

  • Contract disputes. Contract disputes may arise when contracts contain vague or ambiguous language or one of the parties fails to perform their contractual obligations.  

  • Failure to disclose. Another common cause of real estate transaction disputes is the seller’s failure to provide certain disclosures.  

  • Boundary disputes. A real estate transaction may also trigger disagreements between neighbors over the boundary lines of the property.  

  • Title problems. Common title problems that may slow or completely stop a real estate transaction include public record errors, outstanding liens, and deed errors (e.g., improper deed transfers).  

These are some of the most common disputes that may arise during a real estate transaction. Consider hiring a real estate attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to help you avoid disputes or any legal issues that may arise when buying or selling property.  

Attorney Review Period for Real Estate Transactions  

Many states require an attorney review period for real estate transactions. The attorney review period usually lasts for three business days. As the term suggests, the attorney review period involves an attorney who reviews a purchase-sale agreement. When the attorney review period ends, the agreement becomes legally binding unless the attorney finds any errors.  

However, Pennsylvania does not require the attorney review period for real estate transactions, which means you may not have a chance to check a purchase-sale agreement for potential errors unless you hire a real estate attorney to represent you during the transaction.  

Why It’s Important to Hire a Real Estate Attorney  

If you are involved in a real estate transaction, you may want to consider hiring a real estate attorney for the following reasons:  

  1. They have the knowledge and skills. Real estate transaction attorneys have the skills, expertise, and knowledge to help their clients – buyers and sellers – with all matters pertaining to real estate law.  

  2. They protect your best interests. A real estate attorney is the only person who is looking out for your best interests during the transaction.  

  3. They can negotiate on your behalf. Real estate transactions usually involve negotiations between the seller and buyer. A skilled attorney will negotiate on your behalf to make a transaction come together in a peaceful manner.  

  4. They can guide you through the process. An attorney will provide valuable legal advice and reliable guidance throughout the process to help you prevent legal issues and avoid pitfalls.  

  5. They can draft and review documents. Selling or buying property usually involves a variety of legal documents that may seem too incomprehensible. That is why you need an attorney to help you draft and review documents to ensure their accuracy.  

Consider contacting Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C. so I can help you navigate the legal aspects of the real estate transaction process.  

Real Estate FAQs

What is a real estate closing, and what should I expect?

A real estate closing is the final step in a real estate transaction where ownership of the property is officially transferred from the seller to the buyer. At closing, the buyer and seller review, finalize, and sign all necessary documents related to the transaction.

Additionally, the buyer will pay for the property, closing costs, and other fees. The title is then transferred, and the buyer receives the keys to the property. It's advisable to have a real estate attorney present to ensure that all documents are accurate and in order.

Can I back out of a real estate contract?

Yes, it is possible to back out of a real estate contract, but this should be done cautiously as there may be legal or financial consequences. Review the contract for any contingencies or specific conditions that allow for termination.

If you're uncertain about your options, consulting a real estate attorney can help you understand the implications and navigate the process of contract termination.

What are closing costs, and how much should I budget?

Closing costs are fees paid at the end of a real estate transaction and typically include expenses such as title insurance, appraisal fees, attorney fees, and property taxes. These costs vary depending on the purchase price of the home and the location, but you can generally expect them to be around 2% to 5% of the home's purchase price.

It's a good idea to review an itemized list of closing costs with your attorney or real estate agent to understand where your money is going.

Do I need title insurance, and what does it cover?

Yes, most lenders require title insurance to protect against potential legal issues that could arise with the property's title. Title insurance covers problems such as undisclosed liens, errors in public records, and disputes over property boundaries. It ensures that, as the new owner, you have clear and marketable title to the property.

What should I know about purchasing a property in a planned community?

If you're buying a property in a planned community, such as a condominium or a subdivision with a homeowners' association (HOA), it's important to understand the community's rules and regulations.

Review the HOA's governing documents, including bylaws, rules, and regulations, as well as any financial obligations like monthly fees or special assessments. Having a real estate attorney review these documents can help you avoid any potential surprises.

How do property inspections factor into the real estate transaction?

A property inspection is a crucial step in the home-buying process, as it allows the buyer to identify potential issues with the property before finalizing the purchase. A licensed inspector will examine the property's structure, systems, and components and provide a detailed report.

Depending on the findings, you may negotiate repairs or price adjustments with the seller. It's always recommended to have an inspection clause in your purchase agreement to protect your investment.

For any other questions or to receive personalized advice, consider contacting Marc V. Taiani, Esquire, at Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Real Estate Transactions Attorney Serving
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

The guidance of a real estate law attorney can make the real estate transaction process smooth and stress-free, whether you are buying or selling property. At Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C., I handle all matters related to real estate transactions, including negotiations, document drafting, dispute resolution, and litigation. With an office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my law firm serves clients throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Schedule a free consultation today.