
Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C. 

Understanding Act 135 in Pennsylvania

According to the Census Bureau, approximately 15.1 million homes nationwide sat vacant in 2022. The Abandoned and Blighted Property Conservatorship Act (Act 135) is a legislative tool designed to tackle the pervasive issue of blighted property in Pennsylvania.
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Tenant Rights to Break a Lease

In most cases, tenants who sign the lease agreement often intend to stay in the apartment for the entire lease period. However, a tenant may want to terminate their lease early to join the military or if the unit is uninhabitable.
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Pennsylvania Laws About Withholding Rent

Pennsylvania laws allow tenants to withhold rent if the rental units are uninhabitable. However, understanding the necessary requirements and conditions is crucial before withholding rent.
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Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys At Law, P.C.

Tenant Landlord Laws in Pennsylvania

Both landlords and tenants are bound by federal and state laws in their rights and obligations. A misunderstanding of these laws can sometimes lead to disputes that make it uncomfortable in the relationship between the two. Repairs, the return of deposits, terminating or extending a lease, noisy neighbors – all these issues, and more can strain the relationship and even raise legal issues.
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Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys At Law, P.C.

Landlord Repair and Maintenance Requirements

Pennsylvania landlord-rental laws definitely protect a lessee or renter from being subjected to a residence that is uninhabitable. If you are being subjected to a rental unit that is not up to livable conditions and your landlord is not responding in or around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, contact Marc V. Taiani, Esquire and Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C., for reliable legal guidance. I will review the circumstances and advise you of your legal options and then represent you in the dispute resolution.
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Housing Discrimination Laws

An Analysis of Impediments (AI) to fair housing released in 2018 by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) found that, though there is “heightened awareness of public housing rights” and “fewer incidents of discrimination,” discrimination against people with disabilities who seek accommodations is a “rising area of fair housing complaints.”
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Understanding Landlord Access Rights

According to, Pennsylvania rents rank as the 25th highest nationwide, and like everywhere else in the country, statewide rents have been rising along with inflation. In 2021, a one-bedroom unit averaged $706 a month, a two-bedroom $878.
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Landlord Rights When COVID Forbearance Ends

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone across the globe in some way or another, and this means that many people are unable to meet their financial obligations. Census data obtained by the U.S. government found that up to 43% of homeowners and 59% of renters lost at least some of their employment income during the pandemic.
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Allegheny Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Your Rights When Buying a Home “As Is”

When scrolling through a listing of homes for sale, you might stumble across several houses sold “as is.” Homes sold as-is are usually the ones that catch the eye of the potential buyer because they usually come with a lower price tag. However, it is essential to understand your rights when buying a home “as is” and familiarize yourself with the potential pitfalls of purchasing such properties.
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